
"Joker" was the budget label of apple house music, a stop gap producer of live CDs in australia.
Artwork indicates that the recordings are 'unauthorised'. Poorer quality live recordings were issued on the "Joker" label whereas better quality recordings were issued on their "Banana" label. Apple house music was owned by the now defunct CD plant, australian compact disc manufacturers.


"Joker" var budgetetiketten för apple house music, en stop gap producent av live CD skivor i australien.
Konstverk indikerar att inspelningarna är "otillåtna". Liveinspelningar av sämre kvalitet gavs ut på "Joker" etiketten medan inspelningar med bättre kvalitet gavs ut på deras "Banana" etikett. Apple house music ägdes av den nu nedlagda CD fabriken, australian compact disc manufacturers. copyright © 2000-2024
All images are copyrighted by their respective copyright owners.

Last Update: 2023-12-13